Friday, September 30, 2011

My Heart Dropped....Literally!

Well to say the least yesterday was one of the scariest/best days of my life! I never expected what happened to me to happen. I felt perfect in the morning, Nathan picked me up for school, yes we were a little late so I knew the day would be rough but never this rough! I was having lunch with all my best girls chatting it up about the weekend and going crazy, boys, you know the usual things us girls talk about. When all of the sudden I literally felt like every instestine, muscle, EVERYTHING in my body was gonna fall out and I was going to die. I walked out of lunch and stood on the ramp with Jenna and Shelby, then  I realized that I couldn't even stand anymore. I had to sit so I sat on the ramp while everybody stared at me, it was actually quite comical for the seconds I forgot how much pain I was in. So I continued on to fifth period like everything was alright thinking I get out of school in an hour there is no need to go to the clinic I'll just go home and sleep and everything will be fine. Well I layed down in the Pub room and literally could not stop shaking,being dizzy, and feeling completely in pain!!! I tried to get up and hope that I would feel better but then my eye sight started to go out, and  I could barely walk, I had felt this way before but with less pain, right then I knew I was going to pass out! They had every nurse in the clinic helping me! I had lost all color in my face and couldnt even hold my head up. They had to put a heart rate monitor on me and then they realized my heart rate had dropped to 25!!!!!!!! I couldnt even breath! They had to remind me how! Then as I started to regularly breathe again they had to squirt liquid ibuprofin down my throat because I couldn't swollow or I would throw up. All that was going through my head still was the pain of it all. That had to be worse than any other pain in the world. When they told me how low my heart rate had gotten and that they almost needed to call an ambulence for oxygen  I realized everything that really mattered to me in life. I knew I wasn't going to die yesterday but it had felt like it for just those few seconds. I thought about everything that was important to me and everything that I could never live without and how I needed to appreciate it more everyday from now on. I know that sounds cliche and all but it really is the truth! So after all this craziness my brother was on his way to come and pick me up from school and I still could not even walk for myself. I felt as if I was a helpless child again and I HATED IT! So then to top this all off I got wheeled out of school in a wheel chair, DURING A PASSING PERIOD! I saw at least a million people I knew! It was one of the worst days of my life. I went home and tried to sleep away the memory of what happened and took more pain medicine just to take the edge off.....

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