Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Falling Asleep....

Jenna and I are sitting here about to fall asleep on our keyboards!! We are talking about our work and how furious and fed up we are with it! And I've only worked there a month if that tells you anything! Our asshole manager has got to go and me Jenna and Shelby are determined to make that happen. And believe me we are maknig it happpen! We all wrote letters to our bosses and managers about how he makes us feel and how unfair he is. He will be out of there in no time! Nobody of that age and especially of authority to me has ever made me or my friends feel the way he has! I AM SICK OF IT! But im done talknig about that! I am completely exhausted and ready for today to be over with, but I am so excited for math class because I got moved next to Jenna and we clown hard! Well I gotta gooooo! Bye Bloggers!

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